ApigeeX Soap to rest conversion


I am trying to use wsdl2apigee for converting from soap to rest. Could anyone help me with step by step instructions on how to use wsdl2apigee . 

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I am trying to convert SOAP api's to Restful Api's in ApigeeX. In ApigeeX there is no soap wizard. So I found there are two options one is manual conversation and the other is using wsdl2Apigee https://github.com/apigee/wsdl2apigee . If you open above link there are some commands to convert from Soap to Rest. I am getting where to execute those commands. Generally I want to know how to use wsdl2apigee open source.

I am not getting where to execute those commands.

You need to open a terminal window or command prompt, in order to run the commands described in the README for wsdl2apigee.