Apigee proxy Integration showing 0 integration available

Hi folks,

I have created a couple of integration in the Integration portal but was not able to develop the Apigee Integration target proxy in Apigee X. It's showing 0 integrations available while creating the Integration target proxy.  For roles, I have assigned service-GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER @gcp-sa-apigee.iam.gserviceaccount.com to Apigee Integration Admin, Service Networking Service Agent, and connector admin but still, it shows 0 integration available while creating the integration enabled proxy in Apigee X.

@Arnaduga @praviningawale    @pietjacobs   @AMetelski   @ChristopheG   @cyrille115 

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Hi @lokesh090297 ,

The integration target filters out any integrations that do not have an API Trigger, so make sure you've created at least one Integration using the API Trigger.  For example, if you used the pubsub trigger or schedule trigger, they will not show up in the Integration Target.