Apigee platform to next level

Just few thoughts/opinion to move the platform to next level.

1. How can we use apigee to enable FIDO2 (registration and signing) - https://fidoalliance.org/fido2/

2. Given the amazing policies available why not just enable PSD2/FDX (OOB)/any regulatory configurable?Faster time to market rather spending hours on complex specification but rather support with features like built-in consent management, consumer authentication, third-party onboarding(DCR) etc.



few may exists but not sure how/what kind of offering it has(tested during psd2 old spec but unsure on newer specs).

3. Move one step ahead and see how we can explore dAPIs.

Good read..



4. More integrations (connectors) to connect to existing applications.(see few exists but can be expandable). A market place to pull certified policies/connectors if not offered(May be over ask - just a thought)..

5. Build OWSAP API security templates in-build.. eg: when some one uses proxy wizard it should be taken care.

6. Developer portal -> Add graphql/async api features/api maturity assessments based of pre-defined criteria etc)..

Not promoting but in general..Came across a open source backstage (https://backstage.io ) pretty cool & ease of things.

7. A tool to write api contracts (first step to design api's) - there are lot of options but it will be nice to have.

Why not think about having quarterly apigee community meet for open discussions & learn more on roadmap.

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