Apigee SSO Plan - Apigee Ojn Premise and Drupal Portal On Premise -Iterative Plan


We have Apigee On Premise 4.19.06 (with multiple Org) and Drupal 7 is also onpremise

To Plan to migrate to SSO-SAML, would like to know if the listed iterative SSO SAML plan will work ? We will follow required Apigee docs.

1) Enable the Apigee SAML-SSO for one Org only, then plan for rest of Org (Doccument lesson learn) .

2)Plan in similar way for Prod Org as well.

3) Plan Apigee SSO one in Org & test it and lets have Drupal 7 still login in default mode (non-SSO SAML)

3) Once one of the Apigee Org is enabled with SSO-SAML then plan for Drupal 7 SSO ennoblement.?

We want to plan it in iterative manner, lets us know your comments.

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