Alerting based on errors and exceptions

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Hi, Is there any way that we can alert based on the fault errors or exceptions? Please advice. Thanks!

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New Member

Hi @Swapna,

By alerting if you are referring to sending out emails, then there's no such built in capability at the moment. Using fault handling policies you can handle various kinds of errors, but the fault rules would send out the error responses in the api response itself. In case you want to send out email alerts to a specific group upon an error you might want to try out the javascript or python callouts to do the same.

Here's one example:

import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

host = flow.getVariable("emailhost");
port = flow.getVariable("emailport");
username = flow.getVariable("emailusername");
password = flow.getVariable("emailpassword");
mailCC = flow.getVariable("emailcc");
mailTo = flow.getVariable("email");
bodyMessage = flow.getVariable("emailMessage");
subject = flow.getVariable("emailsubject");
mailFrom = flow.getVariable("emailfrom");
ssl = 'true';
auth = 'true';
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = mailFrom
msg['To'] = mailTo
msg['Cc'] = mailCC
#msg['Bcc'] = mailBCC
msg.attach( MIMEText(bodyMessage, 'html'))
smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP(host,int(port))
if ssl=='true':
if auth=='true':
    smtpserver.login(username, password)
    smtpserver.sendmail(mailFrom, mailTo, msg.as_string())

You can set the smtp details and email address details either using flow variables or pre-defined in key value maps. This python script can then be attached to the python policy which can be invoked as part of your fault rules. However, please note that this is not a very scalable implementation and would lead to high email traffic on your smtp server. If you want to implement this on the cloud, then you might have to whitelist the message processor IPs on your smtp server.

View solution in original post


There are a lot of ways to handle faults. Take a look at this page in the doc for more:


New Member

Hi @Swapna,

By alerting if you are referring to sending out emails, then there's no such built in capability at the moment. Using fault handling policies you can handle various kinds of errors, but the fault rules would send out the error responses in the api response itself. In case you want to send out email alerts to a specific group upon an error you might want to try out the javascript or python callouts to do the same.

Here's one example:

import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

host = flow.getVariable("emailhost");
port = flow.getVariable("emailport");
username = flow.getVariable("emailusername");
password = flow.getVariable("emailpassword");
mailCC = flow.getVariable("emailcc");
mailTo = flow.getVariable("email");
bodyMessage = flow.getVariable("emailMessage");
subject = flow.getVariable("emailsubject");
mailFrom = flow.getVariable("emailfrom");
ssl = 'true';
auth = 'true';
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = mailFrom
msg['To'] = mailTo
msg['Cc'] = mailCC
#msg['Bcc'] = mailBCC
msg.attach( MIMEText(bodyMessage, 'html'))
smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP(host,int(port))
if ssl=='true':
if auth=='true':
    smtpserver.login(username, password)
    smtpserver.sendmail(mailFrom, mailTo, msg.as_string())

You can set the smtp details and email address details either using flow variables or pre-defined in key value maps. This python script can then be attached to the python policy which can be invoked as part of your fault rules. However, please note that this is not a very scalable implementation and would lead to high email traffic on your smtp server. If you want to implement this on the cloud, then you might have to whitelist the message processor IPs on your smtp server.