Accessing developer portal via external load balancer forbiding loading of few json editor files

Not applicable

distorted-ui.png@seshi we have changed the template of developer portal for schema display using json editor .We are unable to load in developer portal .Due to this schema looks distorted in UI when accessed via external load balancer .If we access node of portal directly then these files load properly:



The load balancer has been configured in portal with $base_url = https://ELB_FQDN in settings.local.php under /sites/default/settings.local.php .. I i dont provide ELB config inside pportal ,then js and css of portal fail to load .Hence added this .

Could you please suggest if i need to make any change . .Also find attached screenshot of the distorted UI .Any help much appreciated

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Not applicable

Try adding the following line you the settings.php file:

$base_url = 'LOAD_BALANCER_URL;