API proxies not working in Trial version

I'm trying to create some API proxies but all of them are failing randomly (Error 404). There is no stability.

I'm using the default helloworld proxy, a call to a public API and also a call to my own API.

Do you know if this could be related with the Trial?

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are you unable to create or access api proxies?
if you already created an API proxy and then trying to access them in browser or in any other means just check the your internet proxy settings once and try to access after some delay once proxies are deployed.

Note: I hope you are deploying on test environment.


I'm unable to access api proxies. I've been trying them in browser and also via postman.

The thing is that they are not working most part of the time, but ocasionally I get a valid response.

And of course, I'm testing on test environment.


Even I am not able to hit the api proxies, they work on and off,when i keep refreshing