DocumentAI - label names


The image shows an example of the fields I'm trying to retrieve.

Let's take the 4th line.
I want to retrieve :


  1. 194 246
  2. 144 602
  3. 49 644.

For the moment, I've named my labels :

  1. AF_BRUT
  2. AG
  3. AF_NET

BRUT and NET depends on the name of the column.

Do you think this is the right solution?
Or should I appoint :

  1. concessions_brevets_brut
  2. concessions_brevets_amortissements
  3. concessions_brevets_net

Thank you for your help.

Capture d’écran 2024-03-11 à 11.19.03.png


0 2 87

Hi @aksld

Welcome and thank you for reaching out to our community.

While your current approach of short and simple labels is acceptable for now, especially if the meaning remains clear as your dataset grows, I favor the latter suggestion. Descriptive labels offer several advantages: reduced confusion for multiple users, improved maintainability, and less chance of misinterpretation. The downsides are increased length and the need for consistent naming.

I hope I was able to provide you with useful insights. 


Thanks for response.
Does this mean that it will also improve the AI response?