Chat GPT like implementation for organizational data in Google Cloud

I have a requirement where, I am looking for service in Google cloud to process my Organization documents and respond to queries customers ask for from the organization documents only.

Regarding the security constraints, my documents should be dwelled in Google cloud storage and responses for the queries should be extracted from my organization documents only. It should not retrieve information from internet.

I have seen such feature in Azure AI. I am looking for similar feature in Google Cloud.

I did research on this in internet. But I did not get relevant solution.

Can someone please let me know if such feature exist in Google cloud.


Harish Alwala


Hello @harishalwala  ,Welcome on Google Cloud Community.

I believe that Vertex AI might help with your requirements. 

Vertex AI offers access to Gemini models from Google. Gemini is capable of understanding virtually any input, combining different types of information, and generating almost any output. Prompt and test in Vertex AI with Gemini, using text, images, video, or code. Using Gemini’s advanced reasoning and state-of-the-art generation capabilities, developers can try sample prompts for extracting text from images, converting image text to JSON, and even generate answers about uploaded images to build next-gen AI applications.

In addition to Gemini, you also have access to Gemma, a family of lightweight, state-of-the-art open models built from the same research and technology used to create the Gemini models.

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