Media file sent to storage corrupted

i'm testing an application locally and a specifically piece of code generate a signed url and that url is used to send a media file. The media was sent successfully to storage, but the file seems to be corrupted because it cannot play. 

I looked for information in the gcp documentation and forums but I didn't find anything related to the problem.
Captura de Tela 2024-04-30 às 14.45.54.pngCaptura de Tela 2024-04-30 às 14.46.00.png
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Hi @wendel,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

Troubleshooting steps for a corrupted media file uploaded to GCP storage:

1. Verify Local File Integrity

  • Check if the media file is corrupted locally before suspecting the upload process. Try opening it with a different application.

2. Inspect Code for Transmission Errors

  • Ensure your code correctly reads, formats, and streams the file data during upload. Focus on buffer sizes and potential interruptions.

3. Test with Smaller Files

  • Upload a smaller media file using the same code. If successful, it might indicate issues handling larger files.

4. Check Logs and Error Messages

  • Analyze any error messages or logs generated during upload for clues about the corruption source.

5. Simulate Network Issues

  • Simulate packet loss or slow transfer speeds during local testing to identify weaknesses in your code's handling of network problems.

View solution in original post


Hi @wendel,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

Troubleshooting steps for a corrupted media file uploaded to GCP storage:

1. Verify Local File Integrity

  • Check if the media file is corrupted locally before suspecting the upload process. Try opening it with a different application.

2. Inspect Code for Transmission Errors

  • Ensure your code correctly reads, formats, and streams the file data during upload. Focus on buffer sizes and potential interruptions.

3. Test with Smaller Files

  • Upload a smaller media file using the same code. If successful, it might indicate issues handling larger files.

4. Check Logs and Error Messages

  • Analyze any error messages or logs generated during upload for clues about the corruption source.

5. Simulate Network Issues

  • Simulate packet loss or slow transfer speeds during local testing to identify weaknesses in your code's handling of network problems.